Making Money From Internet Advertising – How to Make Money Online By Providing Advertising

Making Money From Internet Advertising – How to Make Money Online By Providing Advertising

Making Money From Internet Advertising

There are a wide variety of advertising vehicles online. Each of these advertising vehicles has a product that works better in some industries and with some products that others.

The bottom line to selling advertising online and making money doing so is by connecting buyers of advertising with sellers of advertising.

Basically what that means is that there are a large number of individuals and companies online who want to advertise, and there are a large number of individuals or companies on the web who are willing to provide advertising space. However, the market is very large, and it is inefficient for the advertisers and the providers of space to individually meet and negotiate contracts.

So the individual or firm wishing to advertise will generally contact an advertising firm which has many contacts with companies willing to provide the advertising venue, and place advertising with many of the venues at the same time.

So to start an advertising business online, you first need to gather a collection of firms or web sites that are willing to show adverting on their web sites. These web sites are preferably high-traffic web sites, with a considerable amount of monthly traffic, or visitors. Making Money From Internet Advertising

Once you have collected the initial “stable” of advertising venues, you can begin to solicit advertising clients. These advertisers will pay a price for the advertising which is commensurate with their exposure of advertising.

So, for example, if you have contracted with 10 web sites that each receive 100,000 visitors per month, you can sell up to 1,000,000 exposures of advertising per month to each advertiser. If you have negotiated 10 advertising ‘spots’ on each of the websites, then you can sell up to the equivalent of 10 advertising customers 1,000,000 exposures per month. For example, if one advertiser only buys 500,000 exposures, you can sell the additional 500,000 exposures for a total of 11 advertisers.

You will have a pricing structure that creates a spread between the amount you charge the advertiser for the exposures, and the price you have agreed to pay the high-traffic sites for showing the advertising. Making Money From Internet Advertising

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Answer by Zack J
Internet advertising is the best advertising as long as you advertise on websites that really attract the type of people you are targeting.

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