Search Marketing Standard

Search Marketing Standard

Search Marketing Standard is the first magazine that search marketers can call their own. The ever-growing demand for search marketing services and information has led to a need for a specialized magazine dedicated to make this knowledge easily accessible. Here at Search Marketing Standard, we have stepped up to the challenge and set out to create the first quarterly publication for the search marketing industry. Search Marketing Standard is devoted completely to the world of search marketin

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Price: $ 29.95

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5 thoughts on “Search Marketing Standard

  1. Review by JT Roussos for Search Marketing Standard
    As an SEO specialist, I am always looking for new and current information to continue my SEO education. I highly recommend this magazine to anyone either in the business or particularly a small business owner who should understand how important this is to their business.

    I look forward to every issue! Truly a great read!

  2. Review by Lori Feldman for Search Marketing Standard
    I am not a techie and know just enough about search engine and web page optimization to be dangerous. However, I do run my own database marketing consulting company and share webmaster duties with my IT/Programmer. Before I spend money on professionals, I like to understand the landscape. Search Marketing Standard has “pulled back the curtain” and made SEO very friendly. I can follow these articles, they’re well edited (I hate spelling mistakes and mis-keys, a byproduct of online writing) and I can take my time reading them without losing my place. Best of all: NO POP-UPS!

    Some of the articles are beginner even for me, but still a good reminder of the basics. But some are very advanced and all I’ve been able to do is get the concepts…then go onto Google to find more info. Search is a fascinating subject matter, and I hope when the industry figures out that, yes, there is also an “offline world” of small businesses like mine who spend time (and money) on print and who need search help, they’ll flock to advertise. Then we’ll get even more articles to savor with each issue. (My only criticism is that I want more pages to read.) I even wrote the Publisher for some SEO service provider recommendations, and he himself wrote me back! (Me and Boris…we’re like this [picture 2 fingers touching])

    If you like to immerse yourself in a topic and validate your knowledgebase with by lots of subject matter experts, then subscribe. Despite the SEs lightening speed of change, there are many good ideas and glimpses into future trends.

  3. Review by Scootch for Search Marketing Standard
    I absolutely love the magazine. I really only say that about a few magazines, and I’m still bothered by one of my favorites that went by the wayside, Web Techniques. In terms of magazines that are still in publication, my top 5 favorites are:

    1. Entrepreneur

    2. Search Marketing Standard

    3. Business Week

    4. Inside 1to1

    5. Derek Gehl’s Marketing Tips (formerly Corey Rudl’s Marketing Tips)

    Keep it coming!

  4. Review by Paul Horowitz for Search Marketing Standard
    This magazine is already very popular with my family. I received it last week in the mail and my son asked to borrow it at dinner Sunday evening. My whole family is into search marketing and we all expect to read every issue cover to cover.

    At Horowitz and Weinstein we especially focused on the click fraud column and the ad for the available click fraud software. We would love to see an expanded click fraud section including more “recent developments”.

  5. Review by GreenKnight for Search Marketing Standard
    The first edition was a good start but after the second one came I was hooked! Great articles and a great guide to a lot of search engine marketing and optimization. The last one really helped us with some great info on landing pages and how to optimize those a little better! I highly recommend you get this magazine!

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