Grow Your Business on Facebook ~ Fan Pages ~ Use Social Media to Build Loyal Customers

Grow Your Business on Facebook ~ Fan Pages ~ Use Social Media to Build Loyal Customers

  • The three styles of Facebook : Personal Profiles, Groups, and Fan Pages
  • How to open an account and create a profile
  • How to brand your fan page and profile page
  • How to get a custom URL for your business fan page
  • How to advertise your events and invite fan and friends to attend

The most important new business tool in the world, on the most visited site on the web, just got easier to use.

If you want to be where your customers are – then you need to be on Facebook.

But Facebook can be tricky to navigate and hard to understand. It is unlike any other web site. If you want to get the most out of it, without making costly mistakes, alienating other users, or getting lost in the crowd, this CD is for you.

Well known internet educator and author, Cindy Shebley

Price: $ 15.97

Getting your Social Marketing Off the Ground

Getting your Social Marketing Off the Ground

Social marketing is an often misunderstood form of marketing that is reaping huge rewards for website owners who use it. Most webmasters who understand it, even while being very new to social marketing, are seeing results like:

1. Higher search engine rankings for their top keywords

2. More rankings of additional keywords or “long tail” keyword phrases

3. More link popularity from sites linking on their own accord

4. More link popularity from social media sites

5. More activity on their blogs, such as more commenting and interaction

6. Direct traffic from incoming links on social media sites (One good submission can net thousands of visitors alone.)

7. Fast traffic increases and steady growth in unique visitors month after month

8. An increase in subscribers and sales. Social traffic, properly acquired, is very warm to your message and products.

The problem for most people when thinking about social marketing, after getting a taste of all the hundreds of sites there are to interact with, is becoming overwhelmed and paralyzed into inaction.

They assume established social marketers gained their “social authority” in a short period of time. This is simply not true. Although the opportunities for driving serious traffic and rankings from hundreds of social sites exists, it is an embarrassment of riches.

And it cannot be conquered over night. It is a gradual process you manage with all your other responsibilities and grow as time allows.

What I encourage my clients to do is set aside enough time each day to get one more link, participate in one more conversation, or sign up for one more account on a social site.

A little goes a long way and social marketing is not an “all or nothing” situation. After some time you will become established on the social sites you need to have a presence on. And you will have a schedule that allows you to keep up with your other work while adding this extremely powerful marketing method to the mix.

10 Steps For Starting a Social Marketing Campaign

1. Schedule a bit of time each day to do some new things. Don’t just say you are going to do them. Write the time into your day and follow through.

2. Sign up for the major social news sites:,, Don’t submit anything to these sites until you have filled out your profile completely and submitted news from elsewhere on the web to generate a real presence and avoid being labeled as a spammer.

In fact, BE a real presence and don’t try to push your own content onto the networks you belong to. It should feel and be natural and you will know what “natural is on each network by participating, commenting, voting and getting a general sense of what members think is good and bad content. Watch their comments and votes and you will know how to proceed with your own site’s content from there.

3. If you don’t have a blog, you must install one immediately. This is not an option. It is an absolute necessity on today’s web. Our company uses WordPress and recommends it over any other blogging platform, and it can be installed easily by you or your webmaster. WordPress download:

Option #2: Check with your web host to see if they have Fantastico available to you and, if so, that it installs the latest version of WordPress. If so you are very lucky because the software can be installed by you very easily in just a few steps with Fantastico.

4. Once you have your blog set up, join the following networks. (These are blog communities that will help you generate visitors, authority, and links and most bloggers belong to them.) (install the widget on your WordPress blog), and (they also have a widget to install)

5. Join groups, interact with other publishers, and make friends with the easy networking tools these sites provide. Especially the people who would be most likely to link to your blog and send you traffic who write about similar things or have an audience similar to yours who’d benefit by knowing you. You can even start your own group, promote it in the network, and send “shouts” to the group when you have announcements or need attention to a new post.

6. As soon as you establish yourself on the sites mentioned above, move on to other sites like them that might be more targeted directly to your niche and the market you work in. There are a lot of new “vertical” social sites popping up that focus on much more narrow markets and their membership is far warmer to your kind of information than on the bigger, more general networks above.

Add a new site to the mix as often as you can and repeat the steps for becoming established there as mentioned in Step 2 above.

7. Join a group dedicated to social marketing to pick up tips from other social marketers and find new places you can sign up with to continue building your social authority. New sites pop up every single day. Follow places like to find new opportunities to connect with your market.

8. Remote blog. Join and put content there that is good, just not good enough to go on your main blog. This serves two purposes: 1) you get to use more of the great content you find as you travel through all the social news sites and 2) it gives you another place to link back to your main site and pass on traffic and link popularity over time.

9. Track your progress diligently. If something you are trying on a social network isn’t working, you need to know that in order to save time and move on to something more fruitful. (above) has a tracking system which will show you where your traffic is coming from so you can avoid time wasting efforts and focus more on the sites that are really pulling in good traffic for you.

10. Don’t freak out! This is only overwhelming if you act like someone at an all-you-can-eat buffet with no self control. You have other things to do and this needs to fit into, not dominate, your current business and marketing.

Social marketing can partially or completely replace other methods you are using to promote your site including paid advertising. Many people completely drop their paid advertising or PPC campaigns once they see the organic, natural traffic and search engine rankings pile up from social marketing.

Until then, just take it one step at a time and do some social marketing. A little goes a long way and before you know it, you will reach a point where a lot of traffic and lots of search engine rankings are piling up because you simply started doing something each day.

There’s a lot you can learn about social marketing. And not all of it can be found on free blogs.

For more information on social marketing, visit Social Power Linking and

Up and Out of Poverty: The Social Marketing Solution

“Philip Kotler, pioneer in social marketing, and Nancy Lee bring their incisive thinking and pragmatic approach to the problems of behavior change at the bottom of the pyramid. Creative solutions to persistent problems that affect the poor require the tools of social marketing and multi-stakeholder management. In this book, the poor around the world have found new and powerful allies. A must read for those who work to alleviate poverty and restore human dignity.” –CK Prahalad, Paul and Ru

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Price: $ 19.75

The Social Marketing Playbook

Marketing used to be different – a lot different. Today, brands are faced with a myriad of opportunities for reaching customers online; and, while the social landscape can be daunting, it holds a world of opportunities for connecting with consumers in deeper and more meaningful ways.

To help guide marketers during this exciting time of transition, we’ve published the Social Marketing Playbook. Our comprehensive strategic report aims to help marketers evaluate the opportunities availab

List Price: $ 1.00


Healthcare Marketing Report

Healthcare Marketing Report covers the latest news on winning market strategies, concepts and trends in the healthcare industry. Our coverage stretches from coast to coast and reaches hospitals, health systems, HMOs, PPOs, psychiatric facilities, medical practices and more.

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Social Study
Real life examples and tips for anyone going through a social study or family study due to divorce or adoption.
Social Study

Social Connect Blueprint
Social Connect Blueprint is a community-based membership website that provides Social Media training delivered through detailed How-To training videos and live interactive training webinars with industry experts in addition to other valuable resources.
Social Connect Blueprint Perry Belcher demonstrates how YOU can use social media in business without being a jerk.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by Dick Whitman: What are the best books on social media marketing?
I’d like some recommendations for books about social media marketing. Specifically, best practices and examples of how companies are using sites like Facebook/Myspace/Twitter to build their businesses.


Best answer:

Answer by Mela Steph
Not sure what’s best but two great places to start are:

Seth Godin’s site and Chris Brogan’s site. Both have written books on the subject.

Add your own answer in the comments! Sign up and watch live as I register a brand new domain name and then proceed to grab search engine listings and website traffic not in months… but DAYS! I’ll use social networking, social bookmarking, automated software tools, seo tricks and traditional search engine optimization. Don’t waste thousands on risky paid online advertising until you’ve tried these absolutely free website traffic and SEO methods
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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