Benefits of Mexican Web Hosting Providers

Benefits of Mexican Web Hosting Providers

nefits of buying Web Hosting in Mexico

Web Hosting is also called Hospedaje Web in spanish, many companies around the world offer web hosting, the industry behind hosting have grown a big way in the past years, and the reason is simple: every web page that is designed in the world needs a web host, you can imagine now how a good bussines is to sale web page hosting. There are other companies thats offer free web page hosting and they obtain utilities by inserting publicity in the web pages they host.

Most of the web hosting providers are located in USA or other countrys around the world, they give reasonable prices but they offer bad customer support, this is because big hosting providers do not have personalized support and they use an automatized structure of bussines.

Small web hosting providers, in the other hand, can offer the same reasonable prices but a much personalized support because they can know who you are and how many email accounts you manage, etc. so this give this medium-small companies a wide range of customers that need better fast response.

Now the point of this article is to explain why it is better to buy a web hosting plan in a Mexican Company.

So lets move with that, Mexico is a very fast growing country, they have tecnology, nature resources, and working people like other countrys, the diference is that Mexico have all this but their costs are very low and their services are much better, for example, a USA Web Hosting Company needs to have a good profit to survive, a Mexican Company needs like 10 times less profit for the same purpose, so the cost of any service in Mexico is 10 time more cheaper that the same service in USA.

Web hosting is not the exception and Mexican companies have a good service, good prices, and above all, they have a personalized attention and support, if you have a technical problem they can answer the phone and resolve it immediatly, because the number of clients that Mexican hosting providers manage is a fraction of the big ones arund the world.

Attention of Mexican People are pure quality compared with the cold suppport that offer other big companies, the reason is very simple, a company that have to pay each employe a minimun of 00 USD, have to reduce the number of people giving support, and that way they reduce costs. The solution for those companies is to make an automated ticket system, so you are never going to speak with anybody, you only send a ticket and later you receive a response, this can take days or weeks in some cases.

Mexican Companies in the other hand, have more budget for employes, because one support emplooye takes only 0 USD a month, like ten time less comparing with americans so those companies can have, without a problem, 10 times more support team.

If you now are convinced to contract a Mexican company for a good hosting, I can recomend you to search the next keywords in google to find companies that offer this service

Comon terms for web hosting in spanish

Hospedaje Web Hosting

mejor web hosting

hosting alojamiento web

web hosting economico

hosting para web

servicio web hosting

servicios de web hosting

hosting pagina web

sitio web de host

hospedaje web

hosting méxico

hospedaje de paginas web

hosting dominio

hosting mexico

hospedaje de pagina web

hosting en mexico

hospedaje paginas web

diseño web

alojamiento web

hosting barato


Once you have searched, you will find many companies in the list, you can chose the one you find more affordable to your needs.

I hope this article have open your bussines inteligence to a new group of companies with high quality in the market and above all with excelente prices and service,I wish you luck in your internet bussines!

Alejandro Chavez
Marketing Leader and Web designer


Alejandro Fabian Muñoz Chavez

Email :

Phone. 0152 33 3560 7989

Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico

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Why Purchase Web Site Traffic? – Benefits That You Should Know

Why Purchase Web Site Traffic? – Benefits That You Should Know

Setting up a site on the web has never been easier. With Web 2.0, setting up your own page in the internet can take place in a matter of minutes. Sites such as Blogger, for instance, will allow you to create a blog, with an e-mail address as the only prerequisite. Making a site, however, is not the only obstacle that you need to surpass if you want to make a profitable website. The next and perhaps most crucial step is ensuring that you have web traffic to help you out. An easy way to get plenty of hits and the web traffic you need is when you purchase web site traffic.

Existing Traffic

When you purchase web site traffic, you are essentially using a URL or web domain address that has already been established and used in the past. Used domains are effective because they have already received plenty of exposure. The past exposure which these domains have had means that plenty of online users will attempt to log on to these sites. Since the domain has already expired, however, the hits which the web domain receives go to waste. An effective way for you to channel these hits is when you purchase web site traffic.


The other way through which these expired domains can help you is through pre-existing type-ins. Most web browsers today – such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple’s safari, and many others – have features that will allow the user to create bookmarks and to remember the commonly used web site addresses. These type-ins are saved in the browser, and are used frequently by internet users. Once a domain expires and is not updated, the type-ins that is saved in the web browser is wasted. You can, however, maximize these type-ins when you purchase web site traffic.

Existing Links

A common practice today is to create web links or back links to other web sites. Almost every web site you visit has links to other sites, and an established domain is likely to have existing web links embedded in other sites. These links are used to direct internet traffic to the web domain that has already expired. For you to have a domain that already has existing links embedded in other web pages across the web, purchase web site traffic. This will save you from the hassle of contacting other web pages or creating your own link wheels whose sole purpose is to contain the links that will direct web traffic to your site. Another advantage with existing links is that search engines such as Google use algorithms that detect these web links. A domain that has plenty of web links will not only give you plenty of web site traffic, but will even get you a higher page rank.

The next time you are thinking of buying an all-new web domain, think of existing domains whose web pages have already expired. When you purchase web site traffic, you have access to one of the easiest ways for you to get a site that has traffic, without the need to create extra web links and link wheels.

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