You Need a Comprehensive Plan to Increase Website Traffic

You Need a Comprehensive Plan to Increase Website Traffic

To increase website traffic, you need more than a pretty site with flashy graphics and great content – you need a plan to target the right audience and make your internet presence known.

Hits aren’t enough these days, and making sure you have quality traffic driving to your website is important. In addition to quality traffic arriving at your site, you want visitors to do more than take a quick look. They need to be interested enough to browse your site, stay a while, and come back again.

The way to increase website traffic that will work best for your site is to use a two-prong approach. First, you have to appeal to the search engines. If the search engines don’t know about your site, the people who would want to visit your site won’t know about it.

In order to get the search engines’ attention, you have to use keywords, and use them well. One way to do that is to place them in the title of your website, and in the titles of your pages or posts. Keyword usage is a great tool to improve your search engine rankings. Other things like updating your site often help as well.

Many people stop there. They think that if they can just put enough spider bait in their sites, they will increase website traffic to the point of making the site successful. Some even use less-than-ethical techniques like burying keywords outside the website and clustering keywords in the site, creating text that isn’t pleasant to read and sometimes doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Search engine spiders are getting wise to that sort of thing and penalizing websites, but that type of tactic also tends to turn actual human beings away as well. What you need to do to get more quality traffic to your site is to make sure that once people come they will enjoy what they find.

That means you need to focus your content, make sure it is good content, and make sure the content is what it says it is. Nothing turns off a potential customer or reader like false advertising or the old bait-and-switch routine.

Don’t lure someone to your site with promises of tutorials only to show them a site that is 10-percent tutorials and 90-percent advertisement for your book. If the site is about your book, state up front that it’s about your book. Nothing will increase website traffic like good content that is focused and delivers what is promised.

You can always buy traffic to increase website traffic to your site. There are no guarantees that the traffic will be quality traffic, so if your revenues or goals depend on repeat visits or customer loyalty, you may want to avoid buying traffic and spend your money on other traffic-building strategies.

However, if your revenues depend on click-throughs of third-party advertising, buying traffic may be a good option for your needs.

Without website traffic an online business will not survive. Get all the latest on how to increase website traffic, and we appreciate your feedback at Mike Selvon website traffic blog.

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Something your websites can never go without. OR risk seeing your bank account dry like drought. To fully complete the success equation you need traffic. Traffic is to a web site what blood is to the body. Other than ensuring that you have a great product to sell, you need to focus on generating TARGETED traffic.

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Question by ZZZzz: How can I increase traffic to my website?
My website is getting very few hits after being created more than a year ago. The site has been submitted to all the major search engines. I cannot afford any advertising or the fees to submit to the major directories. What can I do to increase traffic? Please keep in my mind that I have a very small budget at the moment. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by the paper xpression
Yep you need to use free classifieds available to you. People like things free so they go to free services / sites to advertise their stuff. You do the same too – it makes sense. I suggest you use free ones here: [good for business and products].

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Three Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

Three Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

No matter what your real purpose is for having a website, the fact remains that you want traffic to it. Perhaps you put up a website to establish an online venue for your friends and family to get together and share messages, photographs, and whatnot. Or perhaps you’re an online entrepreneur looking to market your business’ products or services to Internet users. Whatever its purpose, a website needs traffic – the more traffic, the better.

But a perennial problem remains: how do you increase website traffic? Aside from shelling out money for those “traffic building” packages or paying for links (which is getting to be really hazardous to your website’s page rankings and overall standing with Google), there are still several strategies for driving traffic to your website – and keeping them there. I’m going to present you with a few good ones:

Keyword Searches – There are several keyword tools on the Internet that can help you increase web site traffic, if you know how to use them properly. I’m talking about tools like Yahoo!’s KW Selector Tool, Wordtracker, KWDiscovery, and Google’s KW Tool, to name a few. Using these tools, you can search for high-traffic keywords or phrases that have some relevance to your business or website, but with very little or no advertisers using them at all. These keywords will help you develop your business’ brand and your website’s exposure to search engines.

Just be sure to provide your visitors with the kind of content they’re looking for – whether in the form of listed resources, articles, multimedia, or the like. Doing so will help your site get the best kind of publicity there is in the form of viral marketing – where word of mouth about the quality of your site spreads like wildfire, bringing more traffic to your website and keeping them there.

Controversy is the Key – Sometimes emotions get the better of people, especially when they see, hear, or read about something that they strongly feel about. In this case, why not channel these emotions into traffic for your website? Your main targets will be impassioned and (sometimes) overzealous Internet users who harbor strong feelings about a particular topic. Just generate controversial content using articles, blog posts, videos, or statistical reports (whichever method is applicable).

After generating this content, you must be ready to defend your position through blog posts, comments, forums, and anything else that could be useful or appropriate. If done effectively, this method will increase web site traffic for you through various sources, but most of it may come directly from the individual or organization you challenged. Make sure that you handle all feedback and discussions in a professional manner, though. Doing so will allow you to develop a respectable persona online, even with those whom you are disagreeing with.

Cover Important Events – Of course, the type of event varies according to your particular interests and the niche of your website. Gaming expos, tech shows, the like – all can be taken advantage of to bring great and updated content to your website, and droves of traffic along with it. Try to cover the event as much as possible by taking pictures, shooting some videos, making new friends and acquaintances, and taking detailed notes all the while.

Of course, make sure that everyone knows you’re going to feature all this stuff on your site within the next few days (the sooner the better). You can really increase website traffic through this method, and the amount of traffic you can get may vary from hundreds to thousands, and maybe even tens of thousands. It all depends on the popularity and size of the event itself. As an additional tip, underground or exclusive events make for better coverage – but be sure to get permission first.

There are a lot more excellent strategies to increase website traffic, and I’m pretty sure you know a few others already. Effective use of these methods will allow you to see a boost to your website traffic for a long time to come.

Richard Legg is a web traffic expert and generates over 1.5 Million visitors a year to his websites. Discover how you can instantly increase website traffic for free at

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Traffic Explosion Secrets

So you have done your homework, discovered your profitable niche, the right product, (whether it be yours or an affiliate product) set up your blog and you’re ready to have the profits come rolling in! Or are you?

Too often, the scenario I see is this: Novice marketers set up the site, which is all beautifully set up, let it run Live and expect to see hordes of people stampeding over to them and buying their products.
I’ d hate to say this but: No, that doesn’t happen in real life.

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Traffic Building Techniques to Increase Visitor Flow to Your Websites and Explode Your Business Profits!Something your websites can never go without.OR risk seeing your bank account dry like drought.To fully complete the success equation you need traffic. Traffic is to a web site what blood is to the body. Other than ensuring that you have a great product to sell, you need to focus on generating TARGETED traffic. If you already have a site and you want think that you’re not getting the traffic t

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Question by Keegan: We want to increase traffic for our website and become a Google page ranker?
We want to increase traffic for our website and become a Google page ranker, is there a company which can do this for me?

Best answer:

Answer by
No. Just start producing lots of good content.
Then go to the library and start reading books about marketing.

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How to Increase Search Engine Traffic to Your Web Site

How to Increase Search Engine Traffic to Your Web Site

The work begins with the content of your site. You need to zone in on your target audience and make your site about that. Then you need to make sure your content is full of keywords that are connected to the content of your site so you can pull in the search engines. Be careful not to overfill your website with key words, this could make the search engine think you are trying to cheat. Let the keywords flow within the content of your site.

Keyword rich is just blending the keywords in with main content of your site. You will need the most significant keyword to the content of your site in the domain name as well. Plus, if your site has been in the search engine for a while, you need to update the content or change it so as to keep the interest of people as well as the search engine. Concentrate on just a few keywords, and try to repeate them four or five times whithin the content of your site.

Another way to increase search engine traffic is by posting links to your sites on other sites. It does not matter if it is another one of your own sites or a site that belongs to some other person or business, get your site noticed with many other links. Plus, submit you site to as many search engines as you can.

Common sense will tell you that the more opportunity that you give people to access you site, the more chance that you will have traffic. Adding links to your site in other places and by adding your site to many different search engines it bound to increase the search engine traffic, there in, leading people to your site.

When you don’t have the time or energy to keep up your site but still want to increase search engine traffic, then you should consider hiring a professional search engine optimizer. They will make sure that your site is complying with all of the search engine rules, while keeping the information up to date and seeing that the search engines will like your site.

This may cost you a lot but for bigger companies this is a must. Do your homework, and select a good company. A professional will take the stress off of you while increasing search engine traffic to your site and increase your business dramatically.

Joseph J. Wood is a profesional SEO, and has helped many companies world wide get results in the Search Engines. To visit his site, go here:
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Question by medotblog: How to get traffic from yahoo search engine?
I’ve a blog at I’m not getting any traffic from yahoo search engine.. so i’m finding a way to get some traffic from yahoo.. anybody know a way?

Best answer:

Answer by suzana b
go for it

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