Keyword Research For Newbies

Keyword Research
by avlxyz

Keyword Research For Newbies


Where Do I Start?

The first thing that business owners or entrepreneurs do when they go on to the internet is to look at the quickest way to make some money. Most of them want to make a million dollars overnight.  You know what? In all my time on the internet, I have only heard of that being done once. Yep, one launch when one million dollars was made in 24 hours.

Now don’t get me wrong. The guy was pretty good at what he did. He has a good product, he had a great pre-launch, he had the best affiliates, he had some great Joint Venture Partners. So everything put together came off really well for him.

So where does a Newbie start on the internet?

Everything starts with  your keyword research. I don’t care what anybody else says. If you get your keywords wrong you are going to miss out big time on what ever money you thought you were going to make in your business. Learn how to do keyword research properly, invest your time wisely as this will create huge profits for you as you take your business forward on the internet.

What are Keywords?

The keywords are really the words that someone would type in to a search box to begin looking for your product or service.

If you sell “Roman Leather Sandals” and that particular phrase was being searched by a high volume of people, and if the competition of sellers was low, then you could be on to a good thing.

However, if you “advertised” you sandals under the keywords “footwear”, then the results would be considerably different for the worse. That’s because the keyword would so popular there would be literally millions of people searching the phrase looking for all sorts of “footwear” not just your “Roman Leather Sandals”.

Let’s say there are 50 million competitors (this is the number of competition website pages that Google brings back as a result of the search) then that makes your job extremely difficult to dominate that particular niche.

You see, the keywords are where you find your hungry market. You find those phrases where there are plenty of people searching for that phrase. That shows you the market exists. All you need to do now is to get yourself in front of that market.

So it is important to get the keyword research right before you start doing anything in any niche or product sale.

What are the Rules to Keyword Research?

There are generally four rules for keyword research.

1.    The keywords have to be directly relevant to your product or service. If you are selling sandals then you can’t go marketing under the keywords of leather boots. There is no association between the two. Google will give you the best results if your keywords are directly relevant to your product or service.

2.    There has to be a hungry market. That is, a high volume of people actively searching that particular keyword or keyword phrase. Watch the volume of search is not so high that your competition is going to be high as well.

3.    There has to be low competition. The fewer the competitors the easier it is for you to dominate that niche. Spend the time deepening the micro niche to get to the lower competition numbers.

4.    The commercial viability of the keyword phrase. Now, the phrase could be relevant to your product or service, it could have a high volume of search, it could have a low level of competition but if the keyword phrase has no commercial viability it means that the people searching are not really intent on buying anything. They are only along for the Free ride. So change your phrase.

If all these factors are present in your keyword research, and you will find them if you look hard enough, then you could be on to a profitable niche that could bring you a lot of cash.

Now, when you find such a niche, keep it to yourself. Don’t go telling anybody about it, you know why??  Because before you know it, you will have competition and you really don’t want that.

What tools do I need to start?

The best place to start is to use the Free Tools that are available on the internet.

Google have a great tool. Just type in google keyword tool in the search box. Click on one of the links and you will be taken to the google tool. Now there are instructions on how to use the tool in the Google Webmaster Tools and also in the
Google Adwords Section. Again, just do a search in the search box and click on the link.

Follow the instructions and play around with the software until you know it well enough to do a live search for keyword phrases.

You can also try,  You can type your main root word in to the search box and then click on “Hit Me”. Again you will be given a list of results that you can look through.

It’s all about spending a bit of time just looking around the internet. Google is your best friend when it comes to getting answers to questions. You can even type in to the search box something like, keyword research. Google will give you a ton of responses and you can look through and learn a little bit more.

The other great tool is Youtube. Go to Youtube and sign up for free. Then you can go to the search box and type in Keyword Research. Now you will get a whole host of videos where people are showing you how to do Keyword Research. It is amazing.

There is so much information on the internet to help you, so take a little time and ask Google.

Now there are a host of Tools that you can Pay for that will make your research a lot easier.

One of the tools is Market Samurai. It is one of the tools that has been around for so long and most of the internet marketers that I know are either still using it or it was one of the tools that they had used previously.

Market Samurai is a fantastic tool but again, you have to learn how to use it.  There are some great tutorials that are included in the one off investment cost. I would advise anybody buying this product to watch the videos several times and to practise using the product over and over again until you are familiar with all the
areas within the product that will help you in your research.

Keyword Research Pro is another tool that is fantastic to use. Created by Fabian Lim in Singapore, this tool has the same functionalities as Market Samurai and then has a few more.

There are too many for me to go through in this article. I would highly recommend this product to really give your keyword research a boost.

I could probably go on and on about different tools so I’ll just leave it there for now. As I said before, you can always search on Google and you will find plenty more other tools to play with if you want.

How Important are Keywords?

Like I said at the start. The keywords are where it all starts in the online business world.  In other articles we are going to discuss different marketing strategies all designed to drive a whole lot of targeted traffic to your website. Now if you have made a big mistake in your keywords at the start, then you are going to struggle when it comes time to implementing the money making strategies.

When we talk about setting deep back links to your website, again you need to have made the best choices when you selected your keyword phrases.

EVERYTHING hinges around the right keyword selection.

So, how important are keywords? It’s where it all starts and where it could all end.
Take your time and do your research. Make wise choices from the information you receive. Chunk the niches down to the tightest micro niche possible to give you the best start.

Keyword Research is one of the most important elements of your internet marketing strategies to boost your online business. Do it properly and do it right.

Find the right tools that you want to use for your research. Focus your time and get stuck in. Don’t get distracted by too many different products or niches at the same time. Choose one. Do your Keyword Research and move on to the next step.

What’s the next step?  I’ll get on to that in my next article.

Sene Iafeta helps small and medium business owners grow their business using internet marketing strategies. Sene is an Internet Marketing Coach and International Speaker. Sene tells it like it is and gives custom advice that bring massive results for his students and clients.

Visit his website to get more information and to ask any questions:

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Keyword Research Tools To Boost Affiliate Revenue

Keyword Research Tool
by avlxyz

Keyword Research Tools To Boost Affiliate Revenue

As an affiliate marketer you know just how hard it can be to compete against the hundreds of thousands of other affiliates online. Every niche, every market, and every turn you make, there they are, hundreds of them promoting the same products you are. It can be a nightmare trying to evaluate the competition, find low competition keywords, and keyword rich domain names. In fact, it can be flat out ridiculous trying to catch a break in any niche or market.

So what can we do to stand out from other affiliates?

Rather than sounding cliché and telling you to just optimize your content and get back links like every other search engine optimization (SEO) guru tells you to do, I want to dive a little deeper into the content aspect. Sure, back links are important, but they can only be built so fast and we only have so much time in the day to do this. Besides that, back links alone will not drive traffic to your blog or website and keep them there, however, content will. Content is the one thing that can get you traffic all by itself. This kind of traffic is not just any old traffic, this is highly targeted traffic that is actively searching for what you have to offer them.

Find those low competition phrases with keyword research tools

Sure, you could spend weeks gathering keywords and analyzing them one by one plotting your niche takeover. However, this is unrealistic and not time well spent when there are automated tools that can do much more than the average human, not to mention with better accuracy too. Most of the keyword research tools on the market today do the keyword research exactly as you would doing it manually only using Google’s API to gather accurate data. It’s also worth mentioning that the keyword research tools out there are incredibly powerful. In fact, so powerful that if you are not using one than you are probably not going to succeed as an affiliate marketer or in any form of SEO for that matter. The competition is just too fierce.

How to use these tools to boost your affiliate revenue

When using these tools you actually want to compile a massive list of keywords before even running your keyword research software. The reason for this is that most tools simply generate a small list of keywords using Google’s API based only on the keyword phrase you entered. This is fine, except you need to be able to dig much deeper into each keyword. You will actually want to head over to the Google External Keyword Tool and input your main keyword and generate results there. After generating your first set of results export those to an excel spreadsheet. Now you will want to dive deeper into each of those keywords by entering each one of them into the Google External Keyword Tool and generating results for those as well. You will need to keep doing this with each keyword from your first keyword list. After you have completed that task you should have many excel spreadsheets saved. You will now want to combine those keywords into one excel spreadsheet and remove duplicates. This list will now be ready to be plugged into your keyword research tool and generate some great results. Using this method will help you dig much deeper into keywords and find phrases other affiliates have not yet saturated.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the best keyword research software on the market. Take the guessing game out of search engine optimization and start dominating your niche.

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How keyword research tools help affiliate marketers?

How keyword research tools help affiliate marketers?

Many experienced affiliate marketers would rather make use of back links in order to get high ranks over sites as a starting step to promote the product they are involved in selling. But to address the niche of the product a very good research over the keywords is of prime importance.

They need to have a good knowledge over the keywords that are required by the company niche for the promotion of the product. Usually many people are unfortunate since they cannot purchase the right keyword tools that are extremely helpful for this purpose.

And so the only option left for them is to make a very detailed research over the keywords. But if budget is not a problem then the following keyword research tools are of real help. Some of them are free keyword research tools as well.

The free version of world tracker can be of special help to you. You can easily find out about this keyword search tool. It can help affiliate marketers understand the number of people who search for any particular keyword in a specific month or time period. Though if the marketer can go for the membership the list of such keywords provided will be more frequent and larger.

One may also Google keywords tools. It would be of special help to estimate the keywords traffic and getting a fair inkling about the related keywords with the product. This process is also free and so would not involve too much money into the affair.

Another free tool that has gained a lot of importance these days is the overture tool which also happens to be free.
Seobook keyword research tool is also one of the tools that an affiliate marketer cannot afford to miss. The special feature of this tool that is exclusive to it is that an affiliate marketer would be able to search the keyword based on the country. For each and every country one would be supplied with keywords. This is free again at the same time a demonstration would be available along with this tool.

If you wish to make your list as big as possible then it is a good idea to look for the synonyms of your keywords. This can ensure a long list of keywords. For this you need the synonyms keyword tools. There have been many marketers who have underestimated this useful tool, but this is something that really cannot be ignored.

If one is looking for all the approved definitions of keywords then one can really land upon a large list of words. Thesaurus and dictionary are some of the important tools that would be of special help to them in this purpose. They can boost this work by actually helping the marketers find niche segments and keywords, some of which they must have missed during your search.

If the affiliate marketer wants to expand the list in record time then the free keyword brainstorming tool will be of special help to them.

So these are some of the tools which are really helpful for the affiliate marketers.

Learn how using Keyword Research Tools effectively can dramatically increase your profits from affiliate marketing.  Discover valuable resources on our website at

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