4 factors that can increase search engine ranking dramatically

4 factors that can increase search engine ranking dramatically

For the technically inclined, there’s numerous places on the net to get detailed, in-depth information on how to accomplish a high ranking on a search engine. However, lots of people don’t care about the technical aspects of search engine optimization- they require to know what is wrong with their site (& how to fix it). What follows is a practical guide that covers a number of the most basic tips that can be used to increase search engine ranking. It is in no way intended to be comprehensive, but it should help the average site owner decide whether their site is optimized, & if not, how to make some simple changes to give each individual page of their site a better chance for a high ranking on a search engine.

Most businesses don’t take advantage of various techniques to increase search engine ranking, but few things on the Net can be as beneficial as a high ranking on a search engine. A recent Forrester Research document showed that 80% of web surfers discover the new sites that they visit through search engines (such as Yahoo, Google, or MSN). According to iProspect, 85% of web users use search engines to find solutions & vendors. Properly optimizing a site to increase your search engine ranking for each page helps it to attract numerous, highly targeted visitors- visitors that may become buyers.

Issue #1- The Title Bar
This is three of the most often overlooked techniques to increase search engine ranking. On your homepage, what does the title bar say? If you use Net Explorer, this is the blue bar at the top of the window that displays your page (it may include the words “Microsoft Net Explorer” at the finish). Does your company name appear here by itself when you have more important keywords to emphasize? Worse yet, does it say “untitled”? If you require to increase the search engine ranking for that page, this area should contain the most important keywords you see on your homepage. To check the rest of your site, click on any link from your homepage & see if the words in this title bar change for each page in your site. They ought to – & each title bar should contain the most important keywords from its corresponding page. Note: long keyword strings in the title bar should be avoided – three words or less is optimal. Also, words in the title bar should not repeat over three time, & identical words should not appear next to three another.

Issue #2- Content
Search engines all try to list sites that contain nice content. Translation: you require words on your pages to accomplish a high ranking on a search engine, not flashy graphics. This text should contain the most important keywords that your potential customers would use to find you on a search engine. If you have few or no words on a page where you wish to increase the search engine ranking, it is a nice idea to add some, ideally around 250 per page. For aesthetic reasons, this is not always practical, but even 100 well-written words will give you a better opportunity for a high ranking on a search engine than none. It is also important that you make sure that the words are written in a language the search engines can read. Using your mouse, bring your cursor down to the text on three of your web pages. Clicking & holding down the left mouse button (make sure you are not near a link) see if you can highlight three or four words of the text. If you can, everything is most likely fine. If nothing happens, or you can only highlight a massive block, it is most likely in graphic form. To increase search engine ranking in such cases, the graphic text needs to be replaced by standard HTML text to permit the search engines to read it. Your web expert should have no problem understanding what you need, & the transition should be simple & affordable.

Issue #3- Links
Link popularity has become increasingly important for those who wish to increase search engine ranking, with 19 of the top 20 engines using it in their ranking algorithms. Basically put, search engines give a ranking boost to sites that have links from quality, related sites. There’s numerous free tools on the net that will let you see what sites link to yours ( type “free link popularity check” in your favorite search engine). If you don’t have lots of sites linking to yours, it may be time to start a link building campaign. This is where you find quality, non-competing sites in your industry & ask them to link to your site. An additional benefit of link building is that these links can bring you additional, highly targeted traffic.

Issue #4- Meta Tags
Some people believe that meta tags are the Holy Grail of achieving a high ranking on a search engine. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is limited (lots of engines ignore them ), but they can play a limited role on some engines. To see if your site has meta tags, go to your home page. Click the “view” command at the top of the browser window. From the pull-down menu, select “source”. This should open up another window that shows your code. Much of this may seem indecipherable, but there ought to be four commands there (usually near the top of the code). Three of these says meta name=”description” content= & will go on to explain your company & products, & three says meta name=”keywords” content= & goes on to list applicable keywords for your site. If these tags are missing, have your web expert insert them. Again, this may not do much to increase search engine ranking, but it won’t hurt.

Although following the above guidelines will by no means guarantee you a high ranking on a search engine, fixing three or more of the problems should help increase your search engine ranking. For the volumes of potential customers that a search engine can send to your site, it is certainly worth the hard work.

Getting high SE rankings is not that difficult, but it can take some time. Check out our blog earn money online to get insider secrets to increase your search engine rankings and make more money than ever before.

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Search Engine Ranking 101

The first and possibly most critical influence of a successful SEO (aka search engine optimization) campaign is to examine the SEO friendliness of the website associated with the campaign. A tool often used by industry leaders is a SEO optimized website report to improve search engine ranking factors by identifying existing problems and stumbling blocks.

“A good SEO website report will clarify and uncover search ranking problems, provide actionable recommendations based on findings and monitor progress.” Randi Thornton

Search engine ranking is the placement or position your website appears on the result pages of Google, or similar, when someone does a search for a specific keyword term or phrase. To improve search engine ranking you must optimize your site while also adhering to SEO best practice standards. Without considering these optimization techniques your ability to outrank, or rank above others can be difficult.

Diagnosing and correcting problematic issues can be accomplished with a website report that addresses topics relevant to search optimization. This method is used by industry leaders to quickly identify which ranking factors need correction and potentially shorten the time frame associated with achieving online business objectives.

Most Asked Questions

As a SEO professional, there are certain search ranking questions I am asked over and over again. They are…

Why does one site rank higher in the search engines then others?

What can I do to improve my website’s search engines ranking?

How can my website rank higher on Google?

Where can I learn what SEO elements are harming my rankings and how to make improvements?

“How can you fix it, if you do not know what’s broken?” Randi Thornton

Improve Search Engine Ranking

How does your website out rank your online competitors? Simple. It must be better than all sites that rank above yours.

There are many search ranking elements and your goal is to make sure that you do not neglect any factors that may have a direct impact on your search ranking position. A top search engine ranking can be very advantageous for many reasons.

Some of the most popular motives to increase a website search ranking include the following:

increase revenues
brand recognition
encourage conversations with prospects and clients
accelerate website traffic
grow client database
decrease marketing and advertising spending
grow company net worth and value
Website Report – 18 Must Knows

By adopting the search engine optimization issues that matter most and making necessary modifications you can increase the probability of reaching your online audience.

The top search engine ranking fundamentals are:

On Site SEO Ranking Factors

Search Engine Placement
Search Engine Results
Keywords for Content
Images – Optimization
W3 Compliance
Site Structure
Broken Links
Flash Usage
Site Speed
URL Format
Image Optimization

Off Site SEO Ranking Factors

Keyword Volume
Inbound Links
Site Popularity
Search Ranking Summary

There are many factors tthat influence which website will appear in the top position of a search engine results page such as Google. A customized website report can help you identify harmful search engine optimization issues and offer SEO friendly recommendations to help improve your ranking position.

A SEO Optimized Website Report is part of the SEO Packages offered at SEOGoogleGuru.com…

Randi Thornton is a proven SEO Google Guru. She has achieved top Google rankings for Real Estate web sites and others. Passionate about SEO she is using the latest and best practices to gain top Google rankings for her clients. I look forward to discussing your SEO website needs!

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