How to Make Money On eBay and Be Successful

How to Make Money On eBay and Be Successful

I’m an eBay powerseller and I thought I would share some good information on how to make money on eBay and help you dominate the eBay market.

The first thing that I must emphasize before you attempt to make money on eBay is STOP looking for products to sell and start looking for a market to dominate. This is what newcomers don’t do and some eBay sellers still don’t do to this day. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at a store where they are selling everything in different niches, it does not work. The first thing you need to do to start a successful eBay business which is ignored by 90% of eBay sellers (that’s probably why they don’t make a great deal of money) is to choose a market first, learn about that market and then dominate that market.

A lot of sellers don’t do this they just throw any product in the store which they think they can make a profit on. If you build your store around a market first such as hair and beauty and put lots of different products in around that niche, you will find more buyers will add you to their favourite sellers list and may sign up to your newsletter. Customers will keep coming back to your store because they know where to find the products they want, this is how you make continuous money on eBay. This will also keep you a head of your competitors and you’ll keep getting returning customers, don’t ignore this fact because you will always be scratching around for the next big product to try to make a profit on.

Look at the high street stores, Toys R Us are dominating children’s toys, Ann Summers are dominating Sex Toys, I could list thousands of other companies that dominate individual industries. Now look at the bits and bobs stores on the high street… Wait a minute, you do not get them that often on the high street, they are always in the back street. Why? Because they are not targeting a niche and not making much of a profit, that’s why they are in the back street and not on the high street.

Find a niche that you have a bit of knowledge about, it’s not essential but it helps, find different products in that niche, write an ebook with lots of information on the subject and sell it and promote the products in your store through the eBook or even give it away with every product, this is a great way to make sales. This is how you dominate the market and not end up like the bits and bobs stores that get a bit of profit.

For more information on growing a successful eBay business visit Make Money Tutorials

I’ve been running several successful businesses online for seven years and counting which include eBay, buying and selling domain names, affiliate marketing and more. Now I want to share my knowledge with you for free, your more than welcome to visit my website.

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