Implementation of Shared Web Hosting Services

Implementation of Shared Web Hosting Services

Shared web hosting is the cheap and reliable hosting plan. A common server shared by more than one number of clients is called shared type service.  This type of service must need a system administration. Because a common server shared by number of clients. So there will be lots of possibilities for collision and data loss.  While sharing a common server security will be big issues. So there must be a need for system administration. Security is the essential concept of reliability.

The implementation of shared type is classified into two categories. There are namely,




IP based type is also called as dedicated IP hosting, each virtual host has a different IP address. Generally web server is configured with multiple physical network interfaces or virtual network interfaces on the same physical interface. Web server software uses the IP address to communicate with client system to determine which web site to show the user.


Name-based virtual hosting is also called as shared IP hosting. Virtual host provide multiple domain names on a single machine with a single IP address. When a web browser or client requests an information or data from web server by using internet protocol, it includes the host-name as a part of the request. The web server uses this information to find which web site to show the user.

Name-based shared hosting service has some disadvantages. This will reduce the reliability of the hosting.


Name-based do not properly support for secured web sites. They do not provide support for internet protocols. This will affect the security of the web site lots. Normally all name-based virtual type uses the same IP address must share the same digital certificate. This problem leads to number of problems. This provides many possibilities to collision and data loss.

If the domain name system is malfunctioning concept means it will be harder to use name-based virtually-hosted websites. In this case the transmission between web browser and the server will not be a proper one.


Are you looking for more details about shared web hosting services? visit shared web host. For more details about shared and Linux web hosting services visit Linux web hosting.

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